Fallout Shelter Tips: The Best Outfits

n anticipation of Fallout 76, many Fallout shelters have unpacked again. Since the game has evolved quite a bit since its release, I decided to start a small Fallout Shelter Guide series. If you are here for our Fallout Shelter Save editor, we discontinued is, however you can find a new one here: https://softclicker.com/fallout-shelter-save-editor-pc-android-ios/

Many tips and guides that can be found on the Internet are now out of date or incomplete due to new features.

This guide is all about the best outfits for your residents.

Fallout Shelter on Steam

General information about outfits

Outfits can be made in the outfit factory. Each outfit has an associated attribute, such as strength or perception. The higher the sum of the attributes of all residents working here, the faster the outfit is produced.

Special feature when leveling 1-50

By far the most important tip in Fallout Shelter is that you level your residents with as much stamina as possible from level 1-50. I have already written a complete guide with an explanation: Fallout Shelter Tips: Exercise endurance (most important tip in Fallout Shelter!) .

The best outfit for residents in the Vault

For residents who work in the Vault, it is usually very easy to determine the best outfit. Since attributes have no influence on fights or accidents, the desired attribute only depends on what the room demands. It is optimal if all residents have +17 of the attribute required in the respective room:
  • Electricity: Commander's clothing (+7 strength)
  • Water: Heavy Vault Suit (+7 Delusion)
  • Food: professional overalls (+7 agility)
  • Hospital ward: professional lab coat (+7 intelligence)
  • Research laboratory: professional lab coat (+7 intelligence)
  • Nuka Cola: Heavy Wasteland Equipment (+7 Endurance)
  • Outfits / weapons: Depending on what you are currently producing (always included).
Those who cannot yet afford the legendary outfits with +7 take the rare ones with +5 or at the very beginning the normal ones with +3.
Luck on the armor is of no use. With luck, the chance of success of the Tempo mode is increased. If the residents are all trained for luck 10, which should be the case sooner or later if you want to use the pace mode, more luck has no effect.

The best outfit for quests

You can find out which attributes are important for quests and what needs to be considered in Fallout Shelter Tips for quests: The PERFECT resident for quests! read.
The best outfits for this are:
  • Whoever actively uses the crit mini-game often misses *: wasteland surgeon (+4 perception, +3 luck)
  • Who actively uses the crit mini-game and does reasonably well: Heavy mercenary equipment (+2 perception, +3 agility, +2 luck)
  • If you don't like to use the crit mini-game and want to maximize the total damage: professional overalls (+7 agility)
* Here you have to test whether +14 perception does not make the mini-game too slow for you and you may even hit better with 10-12 perception, making wasteland surgeon bad. Overall, I would also say that the minigame is a matter of practice and the legendary materials for making wasteland surgeons are usually wasted. With a little more practice, you will do more damage with the other two outfits.

The best outfit to explore the wasteland

You can find out which attributes are important in the wasteland and what there are to consider in Fallout Shelter Tips for the Wasteland: The PERFECT resident for the wasteland .
It depends on whether your resident should specialize in collecting scrap or rock the wasteland in general. You can find out more in the guide just linked.
Scrap collectors prefer charisma to 10 and endurance and luck as high as possible. They want to keep the rest low, ideally even to 1. Therefore, the following are optimal:
  • Formal lucky clothes (+7 lucky)
  • Heavy Wasteland Equipment (+7 Endurance)
Otherwise, a T-60f power armor (+1 strength, +1 perception, +5 endurance) or, if you prefer rare instead of legendary outfits, robust wasteland equipment (+5 endurance), chic formal clothing (+5 luck) or horror fan outfit (+4 endurance, +1 luck).
For all-rounders who have all stats on 10, the best outfits for the wasteland are:
  • Tunnel snake outfit (+2 perception, +1 endurance, +2 charisma, +2 agility)
  • Eulogy Jones' suit (+2 perception, +2 charisma, +1 intelligence, +2 happiness)
  • Heavy Wasteland Equipment (+7 Endurance)
  • Tennpenny's suit (+2 perception, +2 charisma, +2 intelligence, +1 happiness)
  • Piper's outfit (+2 perception, +2 endurance, +2 agility, +2 happiness)
  • Abraham's wetsuit (+1 stamina, +2 intelligence, +2 agility, +2 luck)
This ranking is based on bringing back as much legendary scrap as possible, which is the most important factor in the endgame. This ranking was simulated and analyzed on Reddit .
But your preferences also play a role here. A few things to consider:
  • Are you trying to have at least 11 stamina so that the resident is radiation-immune and you have to produce little or no RadAway? For example, I always give RadAway (especially in the case of events) and therefore do not need any additional endurance, so the points are wasted.
  • I have more caps than I can spend and therefore the benefit decreases. Since my residents also have good weapons, are lucky and agile at 10, and are leveled at 15 or even 17 stamina from 1-50, luck doesn't help me much to survive.
  • If you rarely trigger and play the events that your wasteland warriors encounter, you will also need less mobility than someone who takes as many events as possible.
  • If you already have almost all recipes and produce good equipment yourself, you may need less awareness than someone who still needs the whole recipe.
You see, it gets complicated very quickly and there is no outfit that is the clear winner for all situations.

TL; DR: What should I craft first?

Here you have my step by step instructions with which I determine what I can do in the Vault.

Step 1:

Whoever starts making the first legendary outfits should prefer heavy wasteland gear over everything . This is important in order to be able to train residents with +17 endurance from 1-50. Depending on how many residents you want to level in parallel, you need a corresponding stock of this outfit.
For each outfit you need: 4 globes, 2 Yao Guai leather, 2 laboratory flasks

Step 2:

If your resource production in the Vault is ok, I would initially only equip the Vault workers with a rare +5 armor. If resources are scarce, it is easier to build an extra reactor, for example, than to increase the attributes of 6 residents from 15 to 17.
In the end, it's a matter of taste, but if you look at it similarly, you won't produce anything legendary for Vault workers and go straight to step 3.

Step 3:

Now I would make sure that the first 3 quest team gets better through:
  • Heavy mercenary equipment: 5 yao guai leather, 4 teddy bears
  • Professional overall: 5 yao guai leather, 4 teddy bears
If you run out of yao guai leather because it went completely into heavy wasteland equipment production, go directly to step 4.

Step 4:

Now the first wasteland troops should be strong. Which of the armors you choose is a matter of taste. But to distribute legendary resources well and minimize the bottleneck, I recommend:
  • Eulogy Jones' suit (5 triangular flags, 4 teddy bears) for all-rounders and
  • Formal lucky clothes (5 triangular flags, 4 teddy bears) for scrap collectors
The huge advantage over tunnel snake outfit is that Eulogy Jones' suit does not need Yao Guai leather, which can otherwise quickly become an immense bottleneck.

Step 5:

If you have a few wastelanders who bring junk home, a good quest team, and some heavy wasteland equipment for leveling new residents, then it depends on your resource pool and what is important to you. Personally, I would especially expand the wasteland explorers and if the resources fit better over time, create a few tunnel snake outfits for this.


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